Build rock-solid tools in no time
and focus on the things that matter.

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Spreadsheet-like Look & Feel

  • Quickly create tables and columns in a responsive interface
  • Fill the cells with your data or use formulas
  • Have changes to your data propagate automatically

Expressive Column Types

  • Choose the data type you need for each column
  • Use the row type to have cells with records from other tables
  • Use the date picker for date columns or the dropdown menu to select rows.
  • Select and edit more elaborate types like a list of rows of Books, with unlimited flexibility

Powerful Formulas

  • Use formulas as simple as $A * $B or as advanced as sum (map getPrice $Books)
  • Create custom formulas with a few lines of code using the expressive built-in language
  • Have your formulas automatically type-checked to avoid bugs

Automated Reports

  • Create a PDF-report from your data with a few clicks, or choose any other output format
  • Choose among different formatting languages and fine-tune your custom template in detail
  • Make use of the built-in template language to fill the report with your own data
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